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Best Psychiatry Specialist in Narayanganj, Bangladesh


Some of Best Psychiatry Specialist in Narayanganj

Do You want to know about Best Psychiatry Specialist in Narayanganj, Best Psychiatry Doctor in Narayanganj, Top 10  Best Psychiatrist in Narayanganj, Top 10 Best Mental Health Doctor in Narayanganj, You will find here Some of Best Psychiatry Specialist in Narayanganj.


Best Psychiatry Specialist in Narayanganj


Prof. Dr. Md. Mohsin Ali Shah

MBBS, M.Phil (Psychiatry), MD (Psychiatry)
Psychiatry Specialist
Professor & Chairman (Psychiatry)
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University Hospital

Chamber: Popular Diagnostic Center, Narayanganj
231/4, B.B. Road, Chashara, Narayanganj – 1400
Visiting Hour: 4pm to 10pm (Only Tuesday)
Appointment: +8809666787804

Prof. Dr. Soyebur Reza Chowdhury

Psychiatry Specialist
Professor, Psychiatry

Chamber: Popular Diagnostic Center, Narayanganj
231/4, B.B. Road, Chashara, Narayanganj – 1400
Visiting Hour:
Appointment: +8809666787804

Dr. Md. Shahedul Islam

MBBS, MCPS, FCPS (Psychiatry), FRCP(UK)
Psychiatry Specialist
Associate Professor (Psychiatry)
National Institute of Psychology and Hospital

Chamber: Medinova Medical Services
Zakir Super Market, 145 B B Road, Chasara, Narayangonj
Phone: 7646415, 7641965, 7641985
Mobile:01913-119989, 01842-119989, 01778-437889
Sunday & Tuesday (3:00pm-4:00pm)
Time:9:30 am to 12:30 pm (Only Friday)

Dr. Surajit Kumar Talukder

MBBS, FCPS (Psychiatry)
Psychiatry Specialist
Assistant Professor, Psychiatry
National Institute of Neurosciences & Hospital

Chamber: Popular Diagnostic Center, Narayanganj
Visiting Hour: 5pm to 8.30pm (Sat, Mon & Wed) & 10am to 1pm (Friday)
Appointment: +8809666787804

Dr. Shahidul Islam Khandaker

MBBS, MPH (Community Medicine), MPhil (Psychiatry), Fellow WHO (Thailand)
Psychiatry Specialist
Senior Consultant, Psychiatry
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University Hospital

Chamber: Modern Diagnostic Center, Narayanganj
207, Bangabandhu Road, Chashara, Narayanganj - 1400
Visiting Hour: 5pm to 8pm (Sun, Mon & Wed)
Appointment: +8801619088999