Do you want to know about Best Eye / Ophthalmologist in Joshore Bangladesh, Best Eye Specialist in Joshore, Best Ophthalmologist in Joshore, Best Eye Doctor in Joshore, Top Ophthalmologist in Joshore Bangladesh.
Some of Best Eye / Ophthalmologist in Joshore Bangladesh
Prof. Dr. M. Nazrul IslamMBBS, MCPS, FCPS (Ophthalmology), FICS, Glaucoma Specialist & Phaco Surgeon Director, Bangladesh Eye Hospital, Dhaka. Professor of Ophthalmology and Head of the Department (Ex) BIRDEM Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh Chamber: Jessore Community Eye Hospital 1016, Airport Road, Arabpur, Jessore Visiting Hours: 1st & 3rd week of English month Friday : 10 A.M. - 5 P.M. For Appointment: 01732-810451, 01751546488 |
Dr. Md. Mahmudur RahmanMBBS, MCPS, FCPS Eye / Ophthalmology Specialist Consultant Chamber: Ibn Sina Hospital & Diagnostic Center, Jashore House: 68, Jail Road, Daratana, Ghop, Jashore (11 Storied Building); Beside of 250 Bed General Hospital, Main Road, Doratana, Jashore For appointment: 0421 60070, 0421 60071 |
Tags: Best Eye / Ophthalmologist in Joshore Bangladesh, Best Eye Specialist in Joshore, Best Ophthalmologist in Joshore, Best Eye Doctor in Joshore, Top Ophthalmologist in Joshore Bangladesh.