Brig. Gen. (Rtd.) Prof. Dr. Md. Enamul Kabir
MBBS (Dhaka), FCPS (Surgery), FACS (USA), FICS (Plastic Surgery),
Diploma in Burns & Plastic Surgery (China).
Post fellowship training in Plastic, Burns, Aesthetic Plastic (Cosmetic) & Breast Surgery from Second Military Medical University (SMMU), Shanghai, China in 2002- 2003.
Visiting Fellow, Tippler army medical center (TAMC), Hawaii, USA & Singapore General Hospital (SGH), Singapore
Ex Chief Plastic Surgeon & Chief Surgeon General,
Combined Military Hospital(CMH), Dhaka, Bangladesh
Professor of Surgery & Plastic Surgery,
Marks Medical College & Hospital, Dhaka.
Marks Medical College & Hospital, Dhaka.
BMDC Reg No :16041
(Surgical Excellence with Passionate Care & Empathy)
Consultation - 1 : Popular Diagnostic Ltd, Unit-2,
Room No-404, Section-13, Mirpur, Dhaka
Consulting Hours : 10 am to 1 pm (Sunday to Thursday, Friday & Saturday closed)
For Serial : Mobile – 01965-457570
Consultation - 2 : Siraj Khaleda Memorial Cantonment General Hospital
Dhaka cantonment (over main road opposite central post office & Sonali Bank), Dhaka -1206.
Consulting Hours : 1 pm to 3 pm ( Friday closed )
For Serial : Mobile – 01965-457570
Consultation - 3 : MARKS Medical college & Hospital
Room No- 118 , Section : 14, Mirpur , Dhaka.
Consulting Hours : 6 pm to 9 pm ( Friday Closed )
For Serial : Mobile – 01965-457570
**Urgent Contact : 01730087942**
Previous Appointments, Academic activities, Achievements, Membership & Awards:
- During long surgical career of 35 yrs he served in Various appointments of Surgery & Plastic Surgery in Combined Military Hospitals (CMH) in Armed Forces in Bangladesh.
- He was Honorary Surgeon to His Excellency President of The People’s Republic of Bangladesh
- He established Trauma Center, Burn unit & Burn ICU in Combined Military Hospital (CMH) Dhaka Cantonment, Dhaka in 2014
- He was Surgical Team Leader in the management of Nimtali Fire Disaster victims in Jun 2010, Tazreen Garments Factory fire victims in Nov 2012, Savar Garments Factory Collapse victims in April 2013 & Holy Artisan terror attack victims in Jul 2016
- UN Service : He was Surgical Specialist in Level-2 Hospital in United Nation’s Mission in Liberia (BANMED-1 UNMIL) in 2003-2004
- He was Consultant Plastic Surgeon & Head, Department of Plastic Surgery, Combined Military Hospital (CMH), Dhaka Cantonment, Dhaka, Bangladesh from 2010 to 2012
- He was Professor & Head, Department of Surgery & Plastic Surgery, Armed Forces Medical College (AFMC), Dhaka, Bangladesh from 2012 to 2017
- He was Chief Surgeon General, CMH Dhaka in 2018-2019
- Senior Consultant of Surgery & Plastic surgery: Senior Consultant of Surgery & Plastic surgery in CMH Dhaka from May 2019 to Nov 2021
- Invited faculty: Burns & Plastic Surgery Department in BSMMU, DMCH & SHNIB & PLS
- Examiner: MS & FCPS in General Surgery & Plastic Surgery
- Letter of Appreciation from Chief of Army Staff ( CAS) : For his long dedicated, sincere, honest service he was honored with “Letter of Appreciation from Chief of army Staff ( CAS) “ in 2019.
- Life member, Society of Surgeons (SOSB), Society of Plastic Surgeons (SPSB) & Bangladesh Society for Surgery of Hand (BDSSH)
- Member, International Society of Surgeons (ISS), American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (ISAPS), International Society of Plastic & Regenerative Surgeons (ISPRES), International Society for Burn Injuries (ISBI)
- Life member, Kurmitola Golf & Country club (KGCC), Army officer’s Club (AOC), Retired Army Officer’s Welfare Association Club (RAOWA)
- UN Peace Medal in 2004 for outstanding performance as Surgical Specialist in Level-2 UN Hospital in United Nations Mission In Liberia (BAN MED-1, UNMIL).
During his long surgical career he performed almost all operations of Plastic, Burn, & Aesthetic Plastic (Cosmetic) & Breast surgery.
Frequently Performed Operations:
- All type of acute burn injuries as flame burn, scald, Electric burn, Acid burn & inhalational injuries, Skin grafting, post burn contractures & deformities, post Burn Hypertrophic scars & keloids
- Hernia surgery including mesh Hernioplasty
- Abdominoplasty, Lipo abdominoplasty: Plastic Surgery for big loose hanging abdomen of ladies with or without ventral hernia & divarication of recti muscles after multiple child births & LUCS
- Mini abdominoplasty: Plastic Surgery for loose lower abdomen below umbilicus with or without incisional hernia in ladies
- Liposuction: Suction removal of excessive fats from Abdomen, thigh, breast, neck & other parts of body
- Cosmetic surgery: face ( Face lift surgery), hanged eyelids (Blepharoplasty), lips (Lip reduction & augmentation), nose (Rhinoplasty), neck (Neck lift), Arm (Arm lift) & Thigh (Thigh lift), removal of warts, moles, scars (cut marks) & other cosmetic surgeries of face.
- Breast Surgery: Any problems of breast including mastalgia (breast pain), fibrocystic disease (pain with lumpiness), nipple discharge, fibroadenomas ( simple breast lumps), Oncoplastic Breast Surgery (cancer removal with plastic reconstruction), Breast cancer surgery including mastectomy (Removal of whole cancer tissue with axillary tissue), Breast Conserving Surgery (BCS) including Wide Local Excision (removal of tumour with surrounding small amount of tissue) Lumpectomy (Removal of the tumor only).
- Cosmetic Surgery of Breast such as Breast Augmentation with silicone gel implant (increase size of small breasts with silicone gel implant), Reduction Mammoplasty ( reduce the size of big breasts ), Breast lifts ( lifting & tightening the loose & hanged breast), nipple & areolar surgery, Cosmetic surgery of male breast tumor (Gynaecomastia)
- External genitalia: Circumcision, Labioplasty, clitoroplasty for female
- Congeniatal defects including cleft lips, palates, haemangiomas, Syndactyly, polydactyly etc
- All surface tumors from head to toes including lipoma, fibroma, neurofibroma , skin cancers, thyroid, parotid & lymph node swellings
- Traumatic wounds & defects & defects after cancer surgery: Flap cover
- All types of ulcers including Diabetic ulcers, trophic ulcers, pressure ulcers & non specific ulcers.
- Pilonidal sinus & ulcers & other sinuses
- Repair & reconstruction of tendons & nerves after tendon & nerve injuries